As market research experts, we use surveys all the time, among other forms of market research.
Regardless, we have made mistakes in the past. This is why we think it is crucial to share with you this list of steps & tips that you should follow in order to create the perfect survey!
First of all. What are surveys?
Surveys are a good tool for gathering data about a specific group of people in order to be used in future projects, perhaps for business purposes, marketing or advertising.
However, is the process of creating a survey actually easy?
The process isn't unknown, but it's not as straightforward as it may seem, since there are key steps to follow if you want an enjoyable, bug-free survey that's not too long or too subjective.
The following steps are recommended by experts!
1. What's your main goal?
Whenever conducting a survey, it is imperative to define its purpose first. Asking people questions is one thing, but asking them the right questions is another. Before you write them down, ask yourself — 'Why am I asking these people these questions? What value do these questions provide for me or my client?'.
That's your purpose.
It should be clear & it should have an end goal.
What would be the conclusion of the survey? What would you like to learn about your respondents? How is the data going to change your product, your service, or your business?
Let's imagine that you're trying to understand how satisfied your customers are with your new soda flavour. This would be an example of how you could phrase your question: 'From 1 (being the lowest) to 10 (being the highest), how satisfied are you with our new cherry soda flavour?'.
There you have it. A question with a purpose.
2. Less is more!
Really. People don't like answering 100 questions in a row. Simply because they don't have time and patience for it.
Therefore, limit the number of questions you ask, but make them valuable. Instead of asking 50 irrelevant questions, ask 20, but make them relevant, and make them clear as well!
3. Maintain objectivity throughout.
Do not include leading questions.
In easier terms — Do not include part of your opinion in the body of the question, like: 'How delighted were you with our staff last time you visited our HQ location?'.
Keep an objective perspective.
4. Your answers should be balanced.
In other words, not too little, and not too much. Having short answers for them to choose from is better than including two in one, or the other way around.
This is an example of a balanced answer:
a. Very good;
b. Good;
c. Very bad;
d. Neither good nor bad;
e. Bad.
5. Add a survey progress bar for online surveys.
Why? It's important that the person you're interviewing knows how far the survey has progressed so far.
Maybe the respondent only has one question left, but they are already exhausted and bored. With that progress bar, they will know not to close the survey yet.
6. Use interesting media.
Use images, videos or any type of media that might help them visualize your products or your services.
Even if someone has used your products a long time ago, a picture or a video will jog their memory, helping them recall it right away!
7. Use short "Thank you! " and "Hello!" notes!
Quite a simple one. Being polite is important, but it is not the main point.
8. Use consistent rating scales.
For example, you should stay with your first rating scheme - ex.: 'From 1 (being the lowest) to 5 (being the highest)', otherwise, you might confuse your respondent about the meaning of each, which will prevent him or her from rating your products.
9. Arrange your questions logically.
Whenever you start a survey with personal questions, you should stick with them until you get to the point of interest (the questions about your products/services), otherwise, you might make it unclear for the respondent to actually answer those questions.
No one likes a messy survey.
10. Avoid misleading questions.
If you are selling burgers, you cannot ask if your burgers are better than those at McDonald's. Of course, you can compare different products or services during your survey, but you shouldn't put the other brand in a bad light.
This question is misleading: 'How bad were McDonald's burgers compared to how good ours are?'
Conclusion: However, quality surveys should always be conducted by experts!
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