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  • Writer's pictureElena

After Quirk's London - a wonderful familiar event

London enchanted us with a thrilling view! We had the opportunity to exchange innovative ideas with our clients and partners who attended, and we're thankful for their contribution as they offered us valuable insights and a wonderful chance to expand our network.

We were curious and eager to learn more details about our colleagues' experience at this conference.

Thus, we invited Madalina Mirigel (Senior Executive) and Alexandru Craciun (Growth & Partnership Manager EMEA) to answer some questions about Quirk's London.

What were your key takeaways from Quirk's London? Were there any particular takeaways or insights from Quirk’s that you think will be particularly relevant or impactful for DataDiggers moving forward?

Alexandru Crăciun: There are two words that can describe the takeaways best from this year’s Quirk’s: change and technology. The market research industry is definitely changing due to the influence of technology – new approaches, changing research methodologies and new challenges for our day-to-day work. 👨‍💻

Madalina Mirigel: The AI presence was very often brought to discussion, but I'm not sure it was approached the right way, yet. It seemed to me that there is a big pressure to use the AI – curiosity maybe, but also the need to be in trends, on one hand. On the other hand, clients still seem cautious when actually working with AI, is proposed and tend to keep the classic channels and methods. 🤖

How was it for you to return to Quirk's?

Madalina Mirigel: It was great to reconnect with old partners and clients and have the opportunity to build new contacts and relationships. The event was bigger this year than the previous ones in the mid-pandemics, participants were more open to discussions and networking. 🤝🏻

Alexandru Crăciun: Quirk’s remains the ideal place to meet old and new faces. For a couple of days, London becomes the European capital for market research, where the best discussions take place not only for networking, but for business overall. This year proved as well that Quirk’s remains an important piece of the market research conferences puzzle. 🧩

What role do you think market research will play in shaping the future of business and consumer behavior?

Madalina Mirigel: Market research is and will remain a big player. Consumers will always have a saying in what they choose to consume and will not accept products and services to be pushed towards them without seriously challenging them. 💪

Alexandru Crăciun: Market research stays a constant need for both businesses, but nevertheless for people in order to make their voices heard. It is no secret that as new social trends become visible, consumers’ and professionals’ behaviors change as well. Market research will adapt itself to the new technologies and it will still be there to help with valuable insights, benefiting both people and businesses. 🗣️

What was your biggest challenge during the conference?

Alexandru Crăciun: There are always challenges when it comes to market research discussions, such as tricky questions or situations from the visitors of our booth. But in all regards, as we consider that honesty is the best policy, we have always remained transparent in regards to our services and capabilities. 🧐

What did you learn from this experience? How do you plan to apply what you learned at Quirk's to your work at DataDiggers?

Alexandru Crăciun: Each conference and exhibition is a chance to learn new things from all the people that we discuss with. For this year’s Quirk’s in London, I've learned to value more simple things in our day to day work and, of course, the relationship with my colleagues. 😊


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